As most of you know I'm originally Turkish. There is this tradition in my culture; new mom wears a simple red ribbon made into a bow around her head as a headband. I have seen this tradition going around since my childhood. Until now I never learned the reason behind it! Thanks to the internet magic, after a quick search I was informed; it is believed a new mom should wear something red right after giving birth to be protected from evil eye. In some other sources, they say; 'red' will protect the mom from a sickness (which is today known as post postpartum depression), another source says 'red' will give energy to the new mom.
I can't say I believe any of those personally, but I also kind of like the idea of doing something special with this old tradition! I also like the idea of the new mom wearing something lovely and life-full representing the magical happening which is bringing a baby into this world! We should not forget the after birth photos factor also, which will be in the albums for a loooong time, right? ;)
Long story short, I have been thinking about designing something special (my own version of this old traditional accessory) for my sister in law who is having my niece in August (yayy! first time auntie here!). I thought butterflies would be perfect for this, so I decided to create a headband that is still having 'red' but combined with delightfully clustered colorful organza butterflies which I create my
butterfly jewelry with, also the addition of ivory feathers!
I LOVE how the headband came out, I can't wait for my sister in law posing wearing it with my little niece in her arms both healthy and happy!
Inspired by an old Turkish belief