Sunday, April 25, 2010

Trip to the Golden Hills

Out little getaway this weekend was so beautiful and refreshing!  I've been wanting to see California poppy fields for a long time! Antelope Valley is about 2 hours away from where we live, even though it wasn't going to be a long trip we decided to leave on Friday, spend the night at a hotel on our way to the fields and start our fun Saturday all fresh and as early as possible!

Although extremely noisy elevator right next to our hotel room didn't let me sleep all night, I was too excited about the next day at the poppy fields, so I didn't let that ruin my day! It was all worth it for the poppies at the end of the day, seeing the hills covered with orange poppies as far as my eyes can see; took my soul to a place where I felt all worry free and calm.

I was a little stressed out about the warning we got when we were first entering to the fields 'Watch for the rattle snakes!', so whenever I'd see a whole on the ground while walking through the fields, I'd walk faster and try to keep in mind that snakes would be more scared from us humans then we are from them for sure. So they won't jump on me for no reason. ;) 

The poppies in my country (Turkey) are very different than California poppies. Then ones grow in Turkey are red and have black seeds at the center like these click here, I personally like those more than the golden ones.:) The word for poppy flower in Turkish is 'gelincik', the word is coming from 'bride' in Turkish.

Now my next dream to hopefully come true soon is to have a trip to cotton fields! As someone who dedicated a collection of jewelry designs to cotton plants, I think I deserve that don't you think?




elsie said...

it was a lovely adventure to share with you my friend - I LOVE your photographs too!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photography:) I enjoy reading your blog. Julie

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